You do your best to eat healthily, avoid processed foods, eat clean.
But what if we told you that consuming all of these healthy foods without an optimally functioning nervous system was like storing them in a refrigerator that had been unplugged?
Disrupted Nervous System, Disrupted Diet
Your nervous system influences every single part of your body, and when it comes to your food, digestion is no exception. When the nervous system is not balanced and experiencing disruptions, chances are that no matter how nutritious your meal is, the nutrients that your body needs won’t be properly stored, broken down, or even entirely used.
The nervous system is responsible for telling your body what it needs to do with its fuel. If a disturbance is present, the messages sent between your brain and body will go unread. While you may be eating three square meals a day, your body isn’t reaping the benefits that it should, leaving you to wonder why you don’t feel as good as you thought you would.
Can Chiropractic Make a Difference?
Through chiropractic care, our job is to help get your spine (and the portion of the nervous system it protects), to work optimally. Precise chiropractic adjustments are used to improve the motion and position of individual spinal bones. As they do, some patients report enhancements in other aspects of their health as well.